Display options




Note: Only one of these options is active. Please remember when you change a display option and set it back in case of “problems“!



Fit window to image

The window will be resized to fit the image. This is the recommended viewing option.


Fit images to window

The image will be resized to fit the window.


Fit only big images to window

Click this to have the viewer reduce oversized images until they can be seen fully in the window. Images smaller than the window will not be changed.


Fit images to desktop

The window/image will be resized proportional to fit the desktop size.


Fit only big images to desktop (this option has been set as default option)

Click this to have the viewer reduce oversized images until they can be seen fully on the desktop. Images smaller than the desktop will not be changed.


Fit images to desktop width

The window/image will be resized to fit the desktop width.


Fit images to desktop height

The window/image will be resized to fit the desktop height.


Do not fit anything

No change in window size/position if the user loads a new image.



Use “Resample” for fitting

This option will improve the display quality for fitted images (fit to window or desktop). The option is slower than normal display and needs more RAM.


Use “Resample” for zooming

This option will improve the display quality for zoomed images. The option is slower than normal display and needs more RAM.



Center image in window

The image can be showed centered in the window or in the top-left window corner.


Display options